round of applause for the greatest Jackass of all Times. There is no denying
that Donald Trump’s actions and words have brought a more entertaining
landscape to American politics that is only rivaled by Naija politics at this
Like him or hate him (for your pocket), this man no send una.
Who could have guessed Trump’s longevity in American politics, with his
put-outs and the notorious words that roll out of his mouth!?
In September 2015 I did a piece on Trumpology. At the time, I waited for the
Republicans to say his famous line “you are fired” for him to sooner-than-later
bow out of the White House race. But what did we get? Trump ruling the polls,
networks, blogs, social media and all, hyping the same garbage Donald’s
been dishing out. After staying glued to CNN for the past 5months, I am no
longer fazed by Donald’s constant moronic statements…”All Mexicans are rapist
and murderers”, “All Muslims are terrorists”, “All Migrants are suicide
bombers”, Africans are lazy, like to only make love and steal”
His vile verbal and racist assault is endless and yet unrivaled.
Naijas are currently vexing, boiling over in anger following Donald’s recent
miss-yarns against the black race: “Look at African countries like Kenya for
instance; those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest
the money in foreign countries”
Truth hurts.
Isn’t this the norm with most of our yahoo yahoo riffraff called leaders?
It doesn’t matter if the JACKASS is taking a swipe at Obama because he’s from
Trump was reported to have said in Indianapolis, U.S. that African Americans
were lazy and that Africa needed re-colonisation for 100 years.
Now tell me, with the rate of deterioration of the biggest black nation in the
world, are we not beating a retreat to prehistoric times?
Donald Trump said… “How do you trust even those who have run away to hide here
in the United States, Hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in
their blogs but I don’t care because even the Internet they are using is ours
and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import
everything, including matchsticks.”
As painfully true as this is, can you blame Donald for his verbal missiles, Is
this not our current situation? A country that consumes everything and produces
nothing. I guess Donald is washing our dirty linen in public and we deserve it.
When some of our deceitful leaders have destroyed education in this country,
where do we turn to?
So much shit is coming out of this guy’s mouth that I wonder what comes out of
his ass. Donald will say anything just to get a reaction, forget about the
concept of decency. Try talking policies or anything intellectual count the
mother f…ker out.
My guts feeling tells me that Donald is being a Jackass/Comedian on propose.
The bigger plan is yet to unfold, or is he only having a ball, engaging in
I see his verbal assault as a strategy; it smells too Naijaish. He may
not really have his eyes on the White House per say, but something about making
more bucks because he speaks freely what an alarming silent majority feel but
won’t dare say.