Stanbic IBTC has just unveiled breadseller-turned-model
Olajumoke Orisaguna as a face of the multinational bank. “We’re inspired
by Olajumoke,” the bank shared a photo of the young mum of two on their
official Twitter handle moments ago, adding, “we’d love to move her
A quick look shows that they used her photo from the ThisDay shoot
for the new campaign, “#neverstopmovingforward”, emphasizing that they
intend to join other corporations in improving the life of the new
In her CNN feature last week, Olajumoke broke down in tears as she spoke for the first time. “I never expected that this could ever happen to me,” Olajumoke says, “My friends have told me they saw me on TV and they are really happy. My parents cannot believe their own child can become such a success. They are all so happy.”
CNN’s Stephanie Busari who conducted the interview said that a Nigerian bank has offered to pay for Olajumoke’s children’s education, up to the university.
Olajumoke’s success story continues to stun many people in the world. Last week, Sujimoto Construction company gave her a furnished luxury apartment in Lagos, while Finishing School, Poise Nigeria accepted her as a student in their academy.
We guess more success will be coming the way of the lucky young mother .