Evangelist Steve Agbabiaka Congratulate New Christ Apostolic church president

 We bless the name of the Lord for the tremendous things that he is doing in our great Commission Christ Apostolic  Church. 

Our great father has been called into a distinguished office, as the new president of our great mission.

In 2003, when I was praying, as God was launching me out for an outreach and asking Him: "God, who can I follow as a father in ministry?" And God revealed to me that I should  follow this man, Pastor S. O. Oladele.  I had no idea how I could reach him,  he only knew me by name, I didn't know how, but by His grace we are connected.

 Why God said I should follow him, I don't know but I was later exposed to the great quality of his leadership.
I have never since then have any regrets following him as my spiritual father.

He is a fearless person and for anyone to succeed in ministry, in this generation, fear should not be part of that person. He is someone that's bold, a man that is not afraid of change that will succeed and that man, is Pastor S O Oladele

We bless the name of the Lord that all those qualities are still in him up until today. In-fact

, they have become more profound.

We thank God for giving us a man with a clear vision to coordinate us in this particular period. When I look into his agenda, 3 Agendas that he has for us, in his regime, I am profoundly impressed because those are the things that can bring revival  to the church of God.

He has spoken about  Human development, Reconciliation and Unity of the Church, Evangelism and church growth, I believe that every good leader must pursue those 3 things.

We love you papa, and we thank God for your life, you and Mama, God will uphold you

You have an impeccable vision, nothing will stop it, it shall materialize and CAC shall land in a great place. 

I strongly believe that  God of Ayodele Babalola will be with you and grant you more wisdom to do this assignment, you are lifted Sir. 

More grace to your elbow.       

On behave of my Family and C.A.C Victory Chapel Kempton Park JHB.
We congratulate you Daddy and we love you.

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