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Truth is that as a young man you should avoid dating women who love money more than you says Timaya


TIMAYA~~ I stop dating Nigerian women since 2014 they’re the worše set of women I have ever dated in my life all the thing about is money, the don’t think about you but making a family or raising kids together they’re problem is all about you spending money on them, my advice to any young man out there is that while hustling forget about dating a Nigerian woman if you want to make it in life, I remember the was a time I almost went dêprêsséd because of the woman I was dating I never had rest because I needed to give her money always, I prefer to date a Cameroonian woman because the bring ideas to the table for you both to make money and how you guys can start up a family but in Nigeria the case is different.

Truth is that as a young man you should avoid dating women who love money more than you says Timaya 

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